Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sibling love and rivalry

Ethan and big brother fight a lot sometimes. Like over everything. Who gets to open/close the garage door. Who gets to play with what toy. Who gets to have their book read first at bedtime. Sometimes one of them will knock over the block tower or creation of the other, just to make the other person mad. The constant arguing can get really annoying and frustrating; it is hard to be patient sometimes. This is our first experience with siblings, and we're still learning how to handle all this.

It's been almost three weeks since they got here, and we have already seen a lot of improvement. The boys are learning to get along and love each other. They still fight, of course; all kids do. But they are figuring out how to settle their differences and disputes on their own. I don't have to step in and play referee all the time anymore. Ethan is even learning how to share his Thomas train and orange hammer. A big step for him.

Ethan is also getting used to having baby girl here and doesn't seem as jealous anymore. He still likes to be carried and held, but is able to wait for me to take care of her needs and put her down first without throwing a fit while I do it. He will bring toys to her and tells me to "go check on her" when she sounds like she might be waking up.

I'm so glad they're all getting along pretty well. This was one of our biggest concerns when we were deciding to get into foster care: how would having these children here affect Ethan? So far, at least, having them here has only done good things for Ethan and our family. This placement was definitely worth the wait. These kids really were meant to be in our home.

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