Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Our First Placement

We got our first placement last week! The call came in the middle of the night, so needless to say, I got very little sleep that night. The two kids went right to sleep after the social worker left, but I barely slept. There was just too much on my mind. But of course, Matt and Ethan slept through the whole thing.

Matt took a half day to help me out in the morning. I'm so glad he did, because there would have been no way for me to get big brother off to school by myself. Getting all the carseats installed to fit in the backseat together was a pain.

From call to placement was only about an hour. It's crazy how quickly our lives changed. Literally overnight. But since we've been waiting for a placement since the beginning of January, everything was ready to go. All I had to do that night was set up the pack and play and pull out the blankets.

While the wait was long and hard at times, we really do feel like this is the right placement for our family. God's timing really is best.

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