Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Big Questions

When can I go home? Why did they take me here anyways? These are some of the questions that big brother has started asking us this past week. I think that the excitement of new toys and new people are wearing off and he's starting to get a little homesick.

This is a shift from the first week or so. He used to say things like, "I want to stay here forever!" Or "If I do [blank], then you have to promise that I can stay here forever." And "I'm so glad I don't have to go back to my bad parents." But with regular biweekly visits starting and having been away from his parents for 2 weeks, he's starting to miss them a lot.

Luckily, this shift in attitude hasn't resulted in any behavioral problems, just questions of when and why. Questions that we really can't answer, because we don't know ourselves. But as we've already taught him about prayer, we pray together every night before bed that he'll be able to go home when things are ready for him and baby girl, and that the Holy Ghost will comfort him and help him adjust and be happy here.

He is still calling us mommy and daddy, and he still refers to Ethan as his little brother. So for as long as he is here, he is a part of our family, along with baby girl. We try to show him as much love as we can and teach him good values. We don't have any say in how long they will be here, but I hope that they'll be here as long as is necessary and that when he goes home, he'll remember his time here with fondness.

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