Sunday, March 8, 2015

Random skills gained

Some random skills I've gained since becoming a foster mom:

1. How to parallel park (the last time I've parallel parked was when I failed it during the driving test); this is a required skill since the DCS office is downtown.

2. How to talk on the phone without being nervous or scared, even to strangers (a big one for me; I used to have to give myself a pep talk before making calls).

3. How to be flexible ("Can you bring them in for a visit this afternoon?" Sure. "They need a physical done, and it has to be tomorrow or the day after." Okay, I can do that. "Can you come in for a meeting tomorrow morning and meet their mom?" No problem.).

Learning so many new things, and this is only our first placement!

1 comment:

  1. You are so brave!! I struggle with those things too...someday I'll work on those skills lol
