Monday, February 23, 2015

Back to the Beginning

So...foster care. Why are we doing this and what's it like? Well, I've finally decided to start a blog to share our experience.

First off, this is something we've talked about doing ever since we were married. We feel that every kid deserves a safe and loving home, and we felt that we could provide that...someday. Well, that "someday" came a lot sooner than we had ever imagined.

We had always assumed that we would do foster care, and eventually adopt from the foster care system, after we were done having kids. So like 10-15 years from now. But after trying for a year to conceive a second child without success, we felt inspired to begin the process of becoming licensed foster parents.

We had to wait a couple months for the next training classes, then it took a couple more months to finish the licensing process. We have been "on call" for a placement since the beginning of January. And it's already been a roller coaster of an adventure...

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