Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Return of Tigger

So a week after Chip and Smallz arrived, we got a call from our social worker about Tigger. The relative that she had been staying with for about a month wanted her to be removed. Again. Because they couldn't handle her behaviors. Again.

Even though we already have 4 kids, we said YES to talking her back without hesitation. But it took two weeks to actually get her here due to paperwork, as we were at capacity with 3 foster children already. It took awhile for everyone to figure out what needed to be done and increase our capacity to 4 foster children.

Well, is been a little over a week since she's returned, and things have been great. None of the behaviors everyone's talked about have occurred. She's just a normal little girl. She gets into her fair share of trouble, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a preschooler. Nothing we can't handle.

And so far, having 5 kids really hasn't been very different from when we had 4. More dishes to wash and laundry to do, but that's about it. It helps that this fifth child is not a newborn and I'm not recovering from childbirth. And she's a child we've already had before.

We're so glad she's back. We missed her a bunch while she was gone. Not sure how long she'll be here this time around, but we'll enjoy her as much as we can while she's here.

Oh, and Chip is potty trained! It was easier and faster than I anticipated. So now I only have 1 child in diapers. Hurray!

The current bunch: Taz (10), Ethan (4), Tigger (3), Chip (3), Smallz (22 months)

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