Monday, May 16, 2016

A New Addition

Last night we got a call about an almost 4 month old baby boy (J Boy) and Matt drove down to the Riley Children's Hospital to pick him up. He has a broken femur and a possible skull fracture. It was past 1am this morning by the time they got home. All things considered, J Boy slept pretty well last night and has been a pretty easy-going baby today. Ethan woke up in the middle of the night to the baby's crying and sat up in bed asking "Who's that?" I told him we got a new baby and to go back to sleep. Without further comment Ethan laid back down and slept.

This morning both Ethan and Taz seemed really interested in J Boy, though they kept their distance at first because of the brace on his legs. They warmed up to him quickly once we explained the injuries to them and that they just had to be careful not to touch his legs. Then they both tried handing him toys to hold and pulled the string to activate the music on his baby seat whenever he cried.

It's been almost 4 months since we've had a baby in the house. It'll be an adjustment, of course, but a quick one I think for the kids. Matt and I will probably have a harder time since we have to adjust to getting less sleep than we've been getting lately. But it's all worth it for this precious little boy.

Current kiddos: Taz (10), Ethan (4), and J Boy (4 months).

A new adventure, here we come!

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