Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our Second Placement

Exactly 1 week after our first placement left, we got our 2nd placement. The wait this time was much shorter and we very much enjoyed that break to recoup.

This placement has been a lot crazier than our first, not because these kids have any behavioral problems, but because of their young age. Sunshine is 2 and 3 months old, and Sissy is 5.5 months old. We have 3 kids 3 and under now! And they don't sleep quite as well as our last placement (first night we had them, Sissy woke up every 2-3 hours; thankfully she now only wakes up once a night). Things are more hectic around and we are more tired, but we are still enjoying having these girls in our home.

Sunshine is always smiling and happy (except when she's fighting with Ethan over something). It's hard to understand what's she saying a lot of the time, but she communicates her needs pretty well. And she's almost completely potty trained (yay!). She doesn't seem to like naps, which makes for a very long day as Ethan has also stopped napping. But we (attempt to) do quiet time at least.

Sissy is sleeping better and eating more now that we switched to a different bottle (even though the bottle we were using was what she came with). She is pretty happy and content most of the time. It's cute to watch Ethan pet her head gently and hold her hand and talk to her when we're in the car. He seems to have really taken to her immediately (which is a change from how he was with baby girl; maybe because Sissy is immobile and can't destroy his stuff like baby girl could).

We have no clue how long they'll be with us. There is a possible relative placement in the works, so it could be pretty short. But yet again, for however long they're with us, we'll love them and enjoy teaching them and caring for them the best that we can.

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