Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day to the Other Moms

Since I've become a foster mom, every Mother's Day I think of the "other moms". The moms who gave birth to the foster kids we've had. Their children color me pictures, make me cards, gives me hugs and kisses, tells me they love me, and say "Happy Mother's Day". And while I do make a point of helping their children make them a Mother's Day card, they are alone on this special day.

It's a sobering thought, that a child another women carried and delivered calls me/see me as their mom, or one of their moms. While the actions of the "other moms" was what resulted in their children being with me instead of them on Mother's Day, my heart still goes out to them. I can only imagine the extent of their heartache and how hopeless they feel.

To all of the "other moms" of all the kids that have stayed with us (whether it was for a day or a year), Happy Mother's Day. Whether you are with your children again on this special day or not, know that you will always be their Mother, the one who gave them life, and they will always hold you in a special place in their heart.


It's been awhile since I've posted, so here's a short update. Tigger left in December to live with relatives. It was hard having her leave, especially since things were heading towards adoption, but over time we've been able to see that it was the best for her and our family. And it greatly helps that her relatives have chosen to keep in contact with us and we have been able to see her often over the last 6 months. We know that she is safe and happy. And that's what really matters. She's the first kid who have left our home that we've been able to see again, and it's so comforting to see that she's doing well.